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Who we are

Fulusi Capital Limited is a non-deposit taking microfinance institution that was started in the year 2020 with the sole objective of deepening financial inclusion in the rural areas with special emphasis on micro-enterprises run by women.

Why Women Enterprises

Seventy percent of the world’s poor are women. Traditionally women have been disadvantaged in accessing credit and other financial services.

Commercial banks often focus on men and formal businesses neglecting women who make up a large and growing segment of the informal economy. It is for this reason that Fulusi Capital Ltd was born...

Why Us

Fulusi capital call to lending was more of passion in order to transform lives of women and communities in the rural areas. We saw a problem in the society that we thought we could provide a solution to.

Poverty levels in the rural areas can be reduced or eliminated if women are empowered.

So as Fulusi Capital we have products that are tailored towards women enterprises, products whose weekly loan repayment are affordable to our customers. The products are almost interest free.

Our products are tailored towards women enterprises

Our products are almost interest free

Our products are almost interest free

0 +
Money Lent to Business owners
0 K+
Transformed Lives
0 %

What we offer

Low interest loans

We offer 4 weeks loan and 6 weeks loan whose weekly loan repayments are very affordable. Our products have customer friendly terms.

Financial inclusion

We train and support rural women to establish flourishing small business enterprises and empower  them to fend for themselves and their families...


we also provide advisory services in the form of financial literacy training to all our women customers .We train them on entrepreneurship, book keeping, business management...


We got myriad investment opportunities for our prospective partners; Debt, Franchise, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists, Fellowships, Accelerators, Incubators...


Contact us for any inquiries or leave us your feedback.